Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Be cautious after you quit the habit of smoking

Now that you've successfully quit smoking, you may be wondering what happens next.Many people focus so intensely on quitting, they may not have thought about what happens when you quit smoking. This article will help you know what to expect when you quit smoking, and will teach you useful strategies so that you remain smoke free.

I've quit smoking, what do i do now?
Now that you've successfully become a non smoker, you must ensure that your determination holds strong and that you resist the temptation to start smoking again. One of the best ways to ensure that you remain smoke free is by taking good care of your health. You've already taken the biggest step towards a healthier you simply by giving up the habit of smoking. Here are some additional ways to keep yourself feeling better and to increase the quality of your life.

Eat a balance diet
Many people worry that if they quit smoking and weight gain will take place. By eating a well balanced diet, there will be no weight gain and you'll have an increase in energy.

Drink 64 ounces of water daily. You need water to stay hydrated, but you also need to be hydrated to stay healthy. Dr i nking water can help you manage cravings, control you weight, ward off headaches and remain focused.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide your body with many essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk of many illness and diseases including strokes, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers. These foods can also help you manage your weight once you've stopped smoking.

Eat whole grains
Eat an appropriate of whole grains. Whole grains contain a lot of fiber, which your body needs to regulate digestion. Likewise, consuming a healthy diet which includes whole grain foods can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and reduces the risks of spinal tube defects in pregnant women.

Include protein in your diet
Protein is essential for your body to function properly. By eating a healthy diet, including lean meats, you can quit smoking and not gain weight. Lean proteins are meats like top sirloin and round steaks, skinless chicken, salmon or vegetarian alternatives such as lentil or veggie burgers. The lean meats are important because they have less fat and saturated fat. Eating an appropriate amount of lean proteins can help control weight loss, cholesterol and they provide important minerals to your body.

Drink milk
Milk is an important part of a healthy diet, especially if you were a smoker. Smoking weakens bones, and fortunately, the vitamin D and calcium in milk can help those bones become stronger. Choose skim milk to reduce calories and help you control you weight.

Incorporating exercise into your new smoke free lifestyle can not only assist you remain smoke free, but it can also help you lower your risks of certain diseases. Another of the health benefits for smoking quit, you may be able to breathe easier and without coughing, making exercise much more enjoyable. Here we'll examine some ways to get you moving:

Yoga is a great relaxation and strengthening exercise. It tones the body and frees the mind. Yoga is a great way to refocus you mind, provide balance in your body and maintain your weight. There are plenty of books and DVDs for those interested in practicing yoga, information is also readily available on the internet.

There are numerous health benefits to walking. It helps maintain weight, provides stress relief and is a great way to redirect your attention when cravings strike. A regular cardiovascular routine, including walking, can help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Strength training
Strength training or lifting weights is a great way to get in shape. It improves the overall tone in your body, provides a great outlet for stress relief and can help you maintain your weight.

What happens to your body when you quit smoking
Many people are uncertain about what happens when you quit smoking. Some people don't quit because they believed they have already damaged their bodies. However, this is far from the truth. In reality your body begins to recover from the effects of smoking within 20 minutes as your heart rates returns to the level it was before your last cigarette. In less than 3 months of quitting your lung function increases and your circulation has improved. Your risks of developing lung cancer and other cancers, chronic lung disease, having a stroke or heart attack all decrease.

You now know what to expect when you quit smoking and how you can remain smoke free. Don't forget to encourage your family and friends to stop smoking and you can tell them what happens when you quite smoking, it just might save their life.

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